Group Homes for Troubled Boys in Fort Dodge, IA
Group homes for trouble boys from Fort Dodge, IA have a distinct purpose. By design group homes are to provide structure, emotional and social support, academic assistance, family counseling, substance abuse treatment and other related services to troubled boys and their families. Group homes for troubled boys provide 24-hour supervised care and therapeutic intervention for at-risk boys. Our job is to help you assess your unique situation and then coach you through your options.
Group homes for boys from Fort Dodge, IA are actual homes where the boys live together in a family environment and receive therapy and academic support in a family home setting. One of the purposes of a group home is to improve the family relationships. Helping troubled boys learn to build healthy relationships with staff and other students is supposed to help them also improve relationships at home.
In a group home for troubled boys the boys follow highly structured schedules that include meals, chores, study time and therapy sessions. In a group home near Fort Dodge, IA boys participate in group and individual therapy where they receive positive therapeutic feedback from professionals and peers.
Top Group Homes for Boys in Fort Dodge, IA
The purpose of group homes near Fort Dodge, IA is to help the student gain life skills that require social acquity and emotional intelligence. Life skills include social, mental, and academic related skills. Some group homes are designed to help boys suffering from drug and alcohol abuse or addiction. Ultimitly the goal is for boys to deal with their issues and return home or live in an independent living arrangement. For a teenage boy, this means going to college, moving back home, or finding an aparment and work.
One of the most important goals of of a group home for boys from Fort Dodge, IA is to them how to act and behave in a home and in the community. Other therapeutic intervention programs (residential treatment centers, therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness programs) are geared toward boys with more severe emotional and behavioral issues. Sometimes all a boy needs it deal with some poor habits or overcome a lack of understanding (socially). Many group homes are designed for boys who want help and are eager to get their lives back on track.
Reality Quotes “The man who is contented to be only himself, and therefore less a self, is in prison. My own eyes are not enough for me, I will see through those of others. Reality, even seen through the eyes of many, is not enough. I will see what others have invented. Even the eyes of all humanity are not enough. I regret that the brutes connot write books. Very gladly would I learn what face things present to a mouse or a bee; more gladly still would I perceive the olfactory world charged with all the information and emotion it carries for a dog. Literary experience heals the wound, without undermining the privilege, of individuality... in reading great literature I become a thousand men and yet remain myself. Like the night sky in the Greek poem, I see with a myriad of eyes, but it is still I who see. Here, as in worship, in love, in moral action, and in knowing, I transcend myself; and am never more myself than when I do.” ― C.S. Lewis
Life Quote “I believe these stories exist because we sometimes need to create unreal monsters and bogies to stand in for all the things we fear in our real lives: the parent who punches instead of kissing, the auto accident that takes a loved one, the cancer we one day discover living in our own bodies. If such terrible occurrences were acts of darkness, they might actually be easier to cope with. But instead of being dark, they have their own terrible brilliance. . . and none shine so bright as the acts of cruelty we sometimes perpetrate in our own families.” ― Stephen King