Curtis Reed
Staff Writer
Curtis Reed is married to the love of his life and the proud father of four incredible kids. He works everyday with an amazing team that is focused on helping teens in crisis and their families find hope and healing. Influenced by people doing extraordinary things, Reed's concepts push the envelope and the beauty of this terrestrial world we live in. Having worked with teens and their families for years, he has seen the change that can come to families who seek the help they need.
Curtis Reed attended school at Brigham Young University Hawaii where he studied English Literature. After graduating, he and his family returned to the continental United States where they have made their home. It is here that Curtis found his passion for helping families and teens and wanted to help others achieve the dream of a healthy family and lifestyle. After joining the team at Zyndio in 2011, Curtis had the opportunity to interact with families and help them find the best program for their son or daughter in need of help. Having worked with families and programs both, he understands the importance of troubled teens getting the help that they need with the right program. Within his time at Zyndio, Curtis has helped programs and teens alike to bring restoration and peace to families across the United States.
He is thankful for good friends, his children's laughter, and his knowledge of God. He will protect our Constitution, fight for those who are downtrodden and always, always find an excuse to jump in the ocean. He spends the little free time he has keeping up on the latest scores on ESPN, tossing a ball with his kids in the backyard, or enjoying the great outdoors with his family. Give him a good steak and a reggae beat and he can be content for hours. Live, Love, Laugh...
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