Logan Mazzettia
Staff Writer
Logan Mazzettia is an SEO specialist that has been working for Zyndio, Inc for two years. Logan is also an avid sports fan, dedicated blogger and internet marketer. He has 5 years of experience in the behavioral health for teens industry, three years as a pee-wee/high school football coach and also spent one year as a personal trainer.
Before working in the SEO field, Logan worked for a web design company selling websites over the phone. After seeing many sites built, only to have their owners fail because of a lack of knowledge on how traffic is generated, Logan quickly realized the importance of marketing your website and striving to climb the ranks of search engines. After seeing this firsthand, he would stop at nothing to enter the internet marketing industry, even though he was raw and uneducated on the matter. Through hard work, dedication and excellent teaching from his superiors, Logan quickly learn the "tricks of the trade" and became a manager at Zyndio, Inc. where he currently works.
In Logan's free time, he enjoys writing on and developing his personal blog, spending time with his beautiful girlfriend and watching the San Francisco 49ers play on Sunday's, adding on to his current streak of five years without missing a game. Logan has a big family with two brothers and four sisters, resulting in even more nieces (7) and nephews (3). He loves family get togethers and just hanging out with his longtime group of friends.
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